Environmental Conservation
Environmental Conservation

Environment Conservation & Restoration through Plantation

Today for the happy and healthy living condition the pollution control and health environment is necessary. The natural process to control the pollution is environment protection and conservation. Plantation is the solution of Environment conservation. To grow plants, conserve plants and take care of the grown trees is the pratical conservation and protection process of environment.

APED Help Foundation has decided mainly to focus on the issue of consequences of the Environmental pollution and decided its mission and vision to protect and save our earth to save, consrve and protect our environment. Protection and conservation of environment and control the pollution is possible through plantation and protecting the grown plants and trees. To undertake plantation work and spread the awareness in public for protection and conservation of the plants and environment is the primary focus of our organization.

APED Help Foundation has undertaken the plantation work for its functional environment restoration. Along with this were organized in Mirzapur. Along with plantation Foundation started Water Conservation Environmental Rehabilitation program. In order to motivate people towards environmental protection, awreness programs with plantation work in rural areas undertaken in that programs villgers actively participated and planted trees.

Tree Sponsorship Concept

To grow and nurishment of the plants into the trees is necessary. So APED Help Foundation has initiatiated the concept to Sponsor the Tree after plantation work. Under this concept the planted trees are given to the certain concerned villagers who can regularly take care by irigating the plants and protecting while they grow well to be take shape of matured trees.Foundation organized the plantation and awareness programs and motivated the villagers to re-establish the environment by growing and protecting the plants.

